World Toilet Day!

It’s a cr*p situation, (excuse the pun) but it’s very real – 2.5 billion people in the world don’t have access to any safe toilets.

We were lucky enough to be in Uganda on World Toilet Day today and to join in a local school’s celebrations, attended by guest of honour, the Ugandan Minister of Health.

The purpose of WTD is to raise awareness of the terrible situation and we heard a lot of speeches at the event from other important guests. We also spoke to some of the school children who run a health club to teach their friends about hygiene and sanitation.

I’ve seen with my own eyes just how much WaterAid can help communities and guess who will be letting the people of Uganda (those who have TVs anyway…) know about their work? Me! I was interviewed at the event by Ugandan TV this afternoon with a very intense film crew who shoved a LOT of dictaphones and cameras in my hot and sweaty face! No pressure then…!

Before our celebrations, we visited a local health clinic where I was appalled to see women and children sleeping on the floor, while chickens ran around the ward and needles littered the ground outside.

It was then really refreshing to hear other organisations lobbying for more help from the local government (although, admittedly 3 hours was a BIT long and my sunglasses came in handy near the end to hide my drooping eyes!)

Overall a very long but very interesting day, and I’ve got some special news for my friends at home…I faced my biggest fear today and used a latrine for the first time! How very fitting for World Toilet Day!

5 thoughts on “World Toilet Day!”

  1. Janine,
    it looks like you are getting a lot from the visit, the blog is really interesting and well written. Enjoy [if that is the right word] the rest of your visit to Uganda. It would be good to see and understand more about your visit when you return.
    Best Regards,


  2. Go for it Janine. Based on my experiences life will never be ‘bog’ standard after a wateraid trip! An amazing cause and well done you for taking part. Good luck Richard Warneford


  3. Thank you for being my ‘willing’ volunteer for those interviews Janine! You were a great interviewee, I knew you’d handle it well.
    Meanwhile – I’m amazed that you somehow managed to wait until that Weds before using a latrine…!! 😉


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